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Connecting your story to audiences who matter.

Our clients have a story to tell; we help them tell it to the right audiences, in the right way, at the right time.

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Sure, everyone says they’ll apply strategy, but strategy isn’t something you pull off the shelf and dust off for the next campaign. We take a deep dive to truly understand the essence of your story, we carefully craft messages that are meaningful to every audience that matters, and we develop ways to reach those audiences to evoke the reaction you want. Then we plug into integrated campaigns to amplify the impact of every part of the media mix.

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We’re not talking about audiences that are a long car ride away (though that might be possible); we mean different time zones, continents and languages. Capece? From rural farm towns in Middle America to Europe, Asia, the Middle East and beyond, we share our clients’ stories with the audiences they need to reach, no matter where they are.

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We know… your CEO wants to be on the cover of the Wall Street Journal. We promise we’ll do our best, but today media is so much more. From traditional print publications and broadcast outlets to digital platforms and podcasts, we work with media every day to tell your stories in a compelling way that truly moves your audience.

Who we’ve worked with

Strong agency/client relationships, successful communication campaigns, and the world’s most effective leaders all have one thing in common:


It’s a foundational ingredient in everything we do. Whether we’re answering a quick question or activating a full-scale campaign, we work carefully to ensure that authenticity leads the way.

That’s what sets us apart from big-box global agencies. Hiring an agency because of its name or logo is so 1900s; today, smart companies hire agencies because of the people. Our team members have worked at the big-box global agencies, but we’re in our comfort zone doing what we do now.

Our senior team is our only team. Whether we’re pitching your story to tier-one media, creating a strategic recommendation, drafting an op-ed, responding to a crisis situation, or collaborating with your broader marketing team on an integrated campaign, you always get boutique agency attention.

Digitized collage of multiple screens displaying various futuristic images.

We deliver all the big agency


with none of the big agency bs.

Screenshot of Strategic Global Media founder Scott Merritt during a CNN interview.

Scott brings both behind-the-camera and on-camera experience.

Scott Merritt, Founder

Scott is a strategic public relations and media relations expert with more than 25 years of experience in building results-driven strategic communications campaigns for a wide range of clients.

He founded Strategic Global Media after spending most of his career working for and leading teams at other PR agencies. His work has included PR and outreach efforts for a diverse array of B2B and B2C accounts in industries including tech, fintech, energy, automotive, healthcare, nonprofit and aviation, with a heavy emphasis on media relations.

His ability to identify what’s newsworthy and what’s snooze-worthy has resulted in placements including cover stories in Octane and Motor Sport; full-page articles in TIME; front-page articles in USA Today and the Houston Chronicle; CEO interviews on NPR, CNBC, FOX News Channel and Bloomberg TV; multiple segments on the Today show; and countless brand-building article placements for a wide variety of clients in vertical, business and consumer media outlets.

Scott is a trained corporate spokesperson, a published writer and editor, and host of the Webby Award-nominated Second Act Stories podcast.

PR Thought Leadership from Scott Merritt

Where should I work? The pros and cons of agency vs in-house (PR Daily)

Don’t Rely on Needles in a Haystack for Media Coverage (O’Dwyers)

Integrated Marketing: Why PR & Marketing Are Better Together (Agency Spotter)

This Is What Happens When Reporters Don't Fact-Check (Adweek)

The Dangers of Virality Above Journalistic Integrity (Spin Sucks)

7 ways to punch up your press releases (

Scott’s LinkedIn Profile

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Strategic Message Development

Public Relations Planning

Integrated Communication Strategy

Awards Program Development

Speaker Engagement

Icon of a microphone with earphones above it.


Media Relations

Thought Leadership & Executive Visibility

Editorial Writing

Content Development

Media Tours

Product Launches

Event Coordination

Icon of a notebook and pencil.


Agency Consulting

Crisis Management

Media Training

Client Results

A reputation built on


Call us when you’re tired of working with crappy PR agencies.

Interested in taking your brand to the next level? Fill out the form below to learn how our targeted public relations strategies can help you reach and engage your desired audiences effectively.

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